
Together we can end hunger forever.
Hunger is still one the biggest – and
most solvable – problems in the
world. We have already made
incredible progress: there are 300
million fewer hungry people now
than in the 90’s. It is possible to end
hunger. WFP is working for that
every second of the day, feeding
over 95 million people in urgent
need and implementing
programmes that tackle the causes
of hunger. But this work depends
on the support of people like you.
Make people aware about the health and fitness using various sources of education and campagin.
What is physical fitness awareness?
Awareness of physical activity has previously been defined as the agreement between self-rated and actual levels of physical activity. Self-rated physical activity is assessed by asking individuals to provide a single evaluation of the quantity of physical activity they engage in (e.g., “active” or “inactive”).

The providing medical help start dispensaries, hospital, medical and aid centers etc.
For providing medical help start dispensaries, hospitals, medical aid centers and maintains it and do it’s administration and put control over it and do activities to start it and pertaining to the health.
24/7 Special
we are all always available for needy person.
- medical
- education
- In natural Disasters
- Fair Grain Shop
- Distribute winter clothes.